
A couple of weeks ago I came across this movie on Netflix

I had only seen this movie once before that what was back in July of 2001 at my best friend Annie's 12th sleepover/birthday party. This was when we lived in Murray. That was the funnest night ever! We LITERALLY stayed up all night making up dances after watching the movie (no... literally, I don't thing anyone so much as laid down until 7:30 AM). We got in trouble with the moms the next day because we were all so tired, but it was way worth it. I can't remember exactly who was at the party but there must have been 7-10 of us. So fun.

As it turns out, this movie is really not that great when you are not watching with your best friends. In fact, I thought it was kind of stupid. However, it got me thinking about things. My family moved to Spanish Fork about 8 months after that party and my life took a completely different course. Annie lived a completely different life than me. I may seem like that I am exaggerating but if you have ever lived in both places you know that Salt Lake and Utah county might as well be separate states, they are so different. I was also they only one that moved so all of the girls continued to be friends and still are to this day. How different things would have been if my family's move had happened now when we have so much technology available it would have been easy to keep in touch with everyone. Back then, though, you really didn't have anything but the telephone (and not your cell phone but the home phone).

Of course, had we not moved I never would have met Spencer (how weird is that?), and don't get me wrong, I have really loved my life in Spanish Fork. It is just a fun thing to think about in how different it would all have been. We were all really really good friends.

Here is the most recent picture I have of me and Annie together. We actually found each other thanks to Facebook back in 2011 and have been better at keeping up ever since. She is married with two super adorable little girls and just moved back Murray herself. I'm pretty sure this picture is from January 2012 when she was pregnant with her first and I wasn't even pregnant with the Little Guy

Some fun facts about 2000-2002 when we lived in Murray. It was 5th grade (when all of us were in Mr. Poloskey's 5th grade class) and almost all of 6th grade.

Cameron Petersen and Damon Fischio were the cutest guys in class and much talked to about through the day.

This was the coolest CD of all time! and "The Call" was the coolest song. I remember being out in recess just singing that song. Not to mention the Backstreet Boys themselves were the coolest ever (and let's face it, they still are)

Annie's mom and mine actually got along pretty well and they just happened to have the same rule about piercing our ears. We were both not allowed to get our ears pierced until we turned 12. Annie's birthday is about 3 weeks before mine but we actually ended up getting mine done just a couple of days before her (my aunt took me on the same day of my birthday).  We both got gold balls as piercing studs and then it just became a waiting game for the next three months before we could change them. I still remember Annie's disappointed face when she ran up to me the day after my three months were up and noticed that I had not changed mine.

The movie that we all just wanted to watch but the Mom's kept saying no

Annie and I did "Kid's on Broadway" in 5th grade and then the entire six grade did "Twelfth Night".

9/11 happened in 6th grade. That shook everyone

The first installment of the Harry Potter series came out and we ALL had a crush on Daniel Radcliffe... I can only speak for myself of course, but MAN what was I thinking?!!!!

That's is all I can think about right now; but boy, did we always have some fun times. I love you girls!


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