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Hailey Sabrina Keele: A Birth Story

Hailey's pregnancy was a rollercoaster to say the least. As I have really not shared much about this pregnancy, I figured I would start at the very beginning and then go into the actual birth story. First of all, she was a COMPLETE surprise. Not only a surprise, but the most random surprise. For all three other pregnancies I knew I was pregnant before taking a pregnancy test; this time around, I took a test for fun. No, I'm serious. It was the day before our bathroom remodel was set to start (I'll hopefully get to that blog post soon) and I was cleaning out all the stuff under the kid's bathroom sink when I found an old pregnancy test. It must have been left over since before I was pregnant with Stockton. I walked into our room and told Spencer I was going to take it for fun (don't tell me I'm weird and you would never do that). He thought it was dumb but I didn't care and did it anyway. This is what I got... (I should point out that the line actually looks

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